Where I Started…

Where I Started…
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In 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic we moved into our new home in Murrieta, CA. I had this area of my backyard that was just a large open useless piece of space. I thought this would make a wonderful area for a garden. I have always loved gardening and have had small gardens through the years in both apartment balconies and houses. This though would be the biggest garden project I have ever done. As such my journey into our mini homestead began.

The before…

I did a lot of planning to figure out how I could use the space effectively for gardening and to also keep it presentable as my backyard. I started researching gardening methods and garden plans. I decided to use raised beds to allow me to do crop rotation, easier soil care, and also allow for pretty paths. I found these beautiful blue raised beds and started measuring and planning from there. After a lot of labor I am so proud of the results.

I have continued to expand to other portions of my yard. There was another portion of the backyard that had a lemon tree when we moved in. I have expanded the same look and feel to have more space to grow.

The little homestead also includes a large fig tree in our front yard that was small when we moved in but has grown immensely. I have also added a small berry patch in our front yard as well.

My journey continues as I continue to expand my garden and so many lessons learned. I’ve had to learn what to do with all of the wonderful garden product to include canning, dehydrating, and freezing. The garden has taught me many lessons and continues to provide wonder every day.